This is my Heaven on Earth...

This is my Heaven on Earth...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Heart Breaker

Wyatt is growing and changing so much! I wish I could freeze him right where he's at. He is so sweet and so fun! We just love him and have so much fun with him! Wyatt has recently learned to climb and will climb on or on top of just about anything he can...since he's been walking for the past 41/2 months already, he is now able to run....he is understanding words now, can't speak them but when we say certain words, he knows what we are talking about...such as: "drink", "ball", "toys", "lets go feed the horses", "horsies (horses)", "daddy", "give me kisses" (LOVE THIS ONE~HE GIVES THE BEST KISSES!!), "let's brush your teeth"(by the way...this kid seriously has so many teeth~molars are almost in and he has 10 other teeth already in),...also understands: "let's go bye-bye", he knows what it means to "dance" (He's a pretty good dancer, haha!) ...still learning "no" when we tell him to stop doing something he shouldn't be doing ;) hahaha!! His newest thing: Is he throws fits now! AHHH! All in all, we are in love with this kid and are so grateful to have him in our lives~fits and all~He is still such a sweet little heart breaker/melter!


With Love, Bobbi said...

Love that face, so sweet yet a little sneaky. He is growing so fast! I hope he keeps that blond curly hair~!